Working for a Cleaner, Safer Soho
We believe that Soho should be a clean, pleasant, and safe place to live. So we work hard to not just tackle the social problems of litter and fly tipping, although we do that, but to bring good things to the area as well. Supporting local groups to clean up their streets, and the Winson Green in Bloom initiative are just two examples of what we do, and hope to do in Soho.
The environment is a priority for many people living and working in the area. This theme includes work to reduce waste, fly tipping and litter and increase the recycling and reuse of materials. It is also about enabling people to take pride in the area and make a positive contribution through for example, In Bloom and the It’s Your Neighbourhood Awards.
Soho First has worked with other local groups and organisations to organise litter picks and to support residents wishing to set up litter picks in their own streets. Soho First has also worked with other organisations including schools to raise awareness of waste and recycling issues.
Events to get involved in.
Members of Soho First CDT, The Winson Greeners, and Litter Action along with
local residents clean up the streets at one of the FCDT Litter Pick events.